When the next season starts, September 24, 1986 with Thomas, Percy, and the Coal to be exact, many new characters are introduced. Many, such as Diesel or Harold, are still playing prominent roles in the show to this day. Others, such as BoCo or The Spiteful Brakevan, were "discontinued" or haven't appeared in the show for a long time. You can watch the whole season here or click the individual episodes under this. Credit to the videos is Hayden Dixon on YouTube and Mattel Creations.
2. Cows
5. Old Iron
10. The Runaway
13. Dirty Work
14. A Close Shave
16. Break Van
17. The Deputation
19. Daisy
21. The Diseasel
22. Wrong Road
23. Edward's Exploit
24. Ghost Train
25. Woolly Bear